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Coffee table

Submitted by: Tim
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I bought this piece at a yard sale because Ive never seen one like this. It has hand carvings and a marble top. I would like to know about this unique piece. Cannot find one like it on the Internet.

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sideboard table with matching hutch

Submitted by: don
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2} Capo Di Monte Four Musician Lamps w/shades , African-American

Submitted by: Sbayl
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These were bought used about 35 years ago . Same owner since . Work perfect . No scratches , cracks , chips , burrs and the lamp itself still has the shine . Same shades . Excellent shape . These lamps look brand new to me . Been to numerous sites and have personally stopped by several businesses trying to get an appraisal . there was such a gap between the low and the high quotes that I started to not believe everyone . A friend told me to check this site out and see what happens . Here I am ! I am going to go by the appraisal I get from y'all . I'm done ! Thank you for your time and expertise !

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Sbayl,

Capo-di-monte is a buyer beware market. Most any Capo-di-monte that you see for sale today is a style of Capo-di-monte. In my research I have found that most people do not state that when selling. A buyer should look for the backstamp that indicates the figure's pedigree. I have not seen the crown that is on your piece. The crown on a original is much less detailed. The Capo-di-monte style can sell between $50 to $500 depending on the quality of porcelain, detail of artwork etc. I would estimate your lamp between $150 to $300. One similar sold in 2007 for $50 one in 2011 for $151.38 another earlier this year for $270. The value does seem to be increasing. Keep in mind the asking price is just that, the actual selling price is much less.  

Here is a link that tells a little about the history:

Hope this helps.


Submitted by: Sbayl
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Emballing table

Submitted by: todd
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Antique looking embalming table said to be owned by a vetenarian porcelain coated.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Todd,

Your embalming table was made in the 1950's and is worth between $350 to $650. If the hydraulics are working properly. Just need to find the right buyer.


Wooden dresser

Submitted by: todd
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old style dresser with rotating mirror and key locks on the dresser doors. Not sure of the wood or age.

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Henrich korb porcelain Gold plated tea set

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Henrich korb tea set, made in Germany, seems to be rare and rather old. 24k gold plated.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky


Your Heinrich korb porcelain Gold plated tea set is valued between between $30 to $50. I know of one other that sold for $25 years ago. The company was founded in 1896 by Franz Heinrich.. The company was sold in 1979 and the porcelain is still produced today under the name Heinrich Porszellan. I have found no items stamped with dates so I can not confirm how old it is.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.


Wooden Panel

Submitted by: Jamie
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Carved wooden panel. Friend says it might be Jacobean. Found in an antique shop in Forks, Wa.

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Bueche girod

Submitted by: shawn
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Yes I have a vintage Buesche girod musical alarm clock that I had put a post about earlier but didn't put a picture so I'm gonna put a picture. I got an appraisal from Becky who is a lot more knowledgeable on the subject. Thank you Becky. I was gonna ask if this one that I was describing was a gold case one that you were talking about. I took it to a jewler and they said it was gold plate wrapped by that black wrapping and gold designs. So I was just gonna ask if this changed the value at all? Thank you Becky sorry I had no pic.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Shawn,

The gold plate underneath does not change the value. Please do not remove it.

Below is a picture of a gold plated V. Buech clock. Though in my opinion is not in the best condition.

Here is another link to check out

Brunswick - Collender Pool Table

Submitted by: Richard
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I have not been able to find a value for a Brunswick - Collender "demountable" pool table with original balls and cue sticks. I have been told by a Brunswick rep. that they were only produced between 1912 and 1916.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Richard,

I have only seen one table like yours to include original balls and cue sticks. It sold in 2012 for $135. I would estimate yours in today’s market between $150 to $200.

Hope this helps it is a hard to find item.


vintage V Buesche Girod musical alarm clock

Submitted by: shawn
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I have a V. Buesche Girls musical alarm clock that is about as round as a quarter and about 3/4" thick. It has 2 little dials at the 5 and 7 on the lower part of the clock. The one on the 5 has an S and the one on the 7 has an M. The back has BG perforated in the case with little pin size holes right above the wind handle. I believe that it dates in between 1953 and 1960. It still works great music and all. The wind up handle has no problem winding up and the S and M dials pull out and turn with ease. The clock has a few little scratches and has a little ageing on it but is still in really good condition for its age. I haven't cleaned it because an antique collector told me it would depreciate the value so I've left it as is. This clock has a gold background and is wrapped in some sort of shinny black material that has a pattern of 2 birds kissing and then a club like 3 of clubs club. From my inspection this clock is very solid and durable and was put together with intent to last. A very nice clock. How much is this clock worth and can you shed more knowledge of it to me?

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Shawn,

Your vintage V Bueche Girod musical alarm clock is worth between $135 to $160. The gold cased and the pink or green lizard cased clocks are selling for up to $800. The more detailed and elegant clocks are worth more. The “S” sets the seconds hand and the “M” sets the minutes hand. You will find ones like yours on eBay with a asking price much higher than what they actually sell for. I believe it may bring more if you had it cleaned by a professional. 

Below is one that sold for $725.88



Submitted by: Yolanda
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chicago crown stove model 4144-93AL serial # 85424 34 1/2 inches wide, 4 covered burners, 1 oven, 1 broiler with storage. In excellent working condition. no missing or broken parts.

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Sterling Silver Manufacturing Company 10" silver water or tea pitcher

Submitted by: Elizabeth
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Stamped SSMC Sterling X12. Measures 10" in Height. Measures 6" across rim. Weight: 490 grams A pattern of a rectangular and triangular shaped outlines with leaves and flowers within.

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Submitted by: A
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WALTHAM Movement Serial Number:8321831 Estimated Production Year: 1897 Run Quantity: 1500 Size: 18s Jewels: 17j Movement Configuration: Openface Movement Finish: Unknown Model: 1883 Movement Setting: Pendant Plate: Full Plate Adjusted: Yes Adjusted to Positions: Unknown Railroad Grade: Unknown

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi A,

Your Waltham Pocket Watch Movement is worth $15 to $45 in good working condition. I have seen them sell for as low $8.00

Is the serial number you stated correct? The number showing on the watch is 3203973.


antique tools help

Submitted by: Laszlo
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I have a double blade spoke shaver marked, A.C. Bachelder , (top in picture) , That is all i know about it. Then I have ( 2nd in picture) I believe could be a Stanley single blade spoke shaver but I can't find and markings on it. Then (bottom in picture) I'm guessing a bench planner but i can't find any markings on it. Can you please let me know any approx dates and value. Thank you!

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antique tools help

Submitted by: Laszlo
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I have a double blade spoke shaver marked, A.C. Bachelder , (top in picture) , That is all i know about it. Then I have ( 2nd in picture) I believe could be a Stanley single blade spoke shaver but I can't find and markings on it. Then (bottom in picture) I'm guessing a bench planner but i can't find any markings on it. Can you please let me know any approx dates and value. Thank you!

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antique tools help ( w/photo)

Submitted by: Laurie
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I have a double blade spoke shaver marked, A.C. Bachelder , (top in picture) , That is all i know about it. Then I have ( 2nd in picture) I believe could be a Stanley single blade spoke shaver but I can't find and markings on it. Then (bottom in picture) I'm guessing a bench planner but i can't find any markings on it. Can you please let me know any approx dates and value. Thank you!

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Sacred Heart lithograph

Submitted by: Laszlo
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After doing some research I found out that this is probably the work of John Duffy, a lithographer in New York around the turn of the 19th and 20th century. It is a lithograph on tin plate, after the original painting of "The Sacred Heart" by Sr.M. Raphael. My question is: how much does it worth either with the frame or without it. The size of the lithograph is approx. 23"x17" and out of one minor damage just right from the uppermost cherub on the left, it is in pretty good condition. The frame is carved wood having no major damage but it definitely needs some attention./The paint cracked at the molding lines and the gesso is missing at some places around the top and bottom edge./ I would greatly appreciate any kind of input regarding the value of this beautiful artifact. Thank you and best regards!

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Doctors Amputee chair

Submitted by: Diane
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This chair was purchased in a home owned by a local doctor. We just assumes it was part of his living room. Dr Lori told us it was an amputee chair! It glides, but can be made to be stable.Has a great needlepoint seat & quite ornate.

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Japanese Imari/Arita censer

Submitted by: Laszlo
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I could not find similar item online and I wonder how much this 8"x8"x6" artifact might worth? It does not seem to have any kind of mark or signature and it has some damage and probably not complete, as you can see in the pictures. I was told this is a Japanese Imari/Arita censer from the Meiji period (1868-1912). That's all I know about it.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Laszlo,

I have not seen a “Japanese Porcelain Rickshaw censer” exactly like yours but one very similar sold in 2007 for $39.99. It was not specified as from the Meiji period. I would estimate your between $40 to $60 in today's market. Without some kind of mark or date it would only be speculation that it is from the Meiji period. Some of the most popular items of the Meiji period were made by Gyokuzan, Dai Nippon and Choshuzan. Some items have more than one signature e.g., Potter, Painter etc.

Hope this helps.


Submitted by: Laszlo
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Egyption necklace

Submitted by: Ellan
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2000bbc Given as a gift from a elder woman,a patient of my fathers who had collected jewlery and artifacts I was told it is a burial necklace My mother has another piece from collection on east coast with authentication certificate

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Egyption necklace

Submitted by: Ellan
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2000bbc Given as a gift from a elder woman,a patient of my fathers who had collected jewlery and artifacts I was told it is a burial necklace My mother has another piece from collection on east coast with authentication Could not upload pic from iPad here is a link to pic

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Coca Cola cardboard advertisements

Submitted by:
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I have several of these cardboard Coca Cola advertisement posters. I received them from a gentleman that retired from Coca Cola in the 80's. He used them to write his Sunday School lessons on the back. I have been unable to find most of these on line to determine the value, but I do know that they are from the early 60's. Some of them are in better shape than the others. I just chose one of each design for the photo. If you have any advice on the value, I would appreciate it. They've been in my attic for years and should be in someone's collection that will display them.

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Submitted by: Ellan
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Gold Catholic looking jewelry box

Submitted by: Ted
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Gold box, looks catholic or church like. Has hanging like tassles on it, with a 21 printed on the lid and the rim around the edge where the door closes. The front and back has 4 window like designs with 2 on each side.

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Old Celadon Porcelain plates

Submitted by: Emma
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3 pieces old oval celadon porcelain. It looks like jade. It is translucent. You can see shadow of your finger if you hold it up to the light. The condition is excellent. no crack. Dimension is 31 cm length, 23 cm width and thickness is 2 1/2 cm. It has no markings. Can you help me find the value of my old plates.

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antique doll

Submitted by: HEATHER
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Belonged to my great grandma who was born in late 1800s.

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Copeland Spode turkey platter....22 x 17...with the indention on back (water mark) light and jade green in family for generations

Submitted by: christina
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This turkey platter is very different from any online...its a beautiful green and cream platter...with the watermark on back...perfect shape

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Allen's parlor furnace

Submitted by: Terry
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This is an Allen's parlor furnace model no. 318 A. It's is in good working condition, but it is missing one foot. I'm trying to find the year this furnace was made. If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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Wehrle Company Gas Fireplace Insert

Submitted by: Matt
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I have a gas fireplace insert from a 98 year old house. It is in very good condition. It functions properly. The data plate says Waverly - The Wehrle Co. - Newark, Ohio - Design 317 - 20 A D.

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antique walnut dresser/vanity with mirror circa 1830-1840

Submitted by: M
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Looking for information on what furniture style/period this is and approximate value. Note that came with dresser: "Antique English Walnut dresser with beveled mirror and two jewelry drawers. Circa 1830-1840, about 90 miles North of London." Behind the mirror is a page of newspaper from Manchester, England dated 1904. Piece described as antebellum (?) by family member. Dovetails appear to be hand carved, all hardware appears to be original

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Knights of Pythias Member Badge

Submitted by: Angela
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This is a member badge for the Knights of Pythias. I am not sure of anything about it. It look pretty old compared to some of the ones I seen pics of on the web. Any information would be helpful. Thanks

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Ancient egyption necklace

Submitted by: Ellan
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May be burial necklace Was given in a set of two my mother has one and I the other . Given to us many years ago from a collector of ancient art as gift before she died.

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Ancient egyption necklace

Submitted by: Ellan
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May be burial necklace Was given in a set of two my mother has one and I the other . Given to us many years ago from a collector of ancient art as gift before she died.

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Wooden sheath knife

Submitted by: Ellen
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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Ellen,

I estimate your antique wooden knife with sheath is worth between $75-150 dollars.

Mattel Hot Wheel Small Shots

Submitted by: Debra
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I believe that I have 2 of the Hot Wheels Small Shots from 1973. They are part of the Mattel Red Line series. Around the base of the head it reads: c 1970 Mattel, Inc Hong Kong. I am having great difficulty finding pictures or any information about these toys. Both dolls have articulating waists and heads. The dolls can be removed from their vehicles and interchanged between the vehicles. They are in excellent condition. The dresses are slightly curled at the opening in the back. The snaps are in place and work. The chassis' roll very smoothly. What are these toys worth?

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Debra,

Your Mattel Small shots are worth around $10-15 dollars a piece.  The complete small shots toy sets consisting of all four toy dolls sell for around $40-60 dollars.

Mattel Small Shots toys that sold in the past

Mrs Barbara Barcley-Slater

Submitted by: Barbara
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I have a glass tropical fish that is 6 3/4 inches wide by about 6 3/4 tall the fish is resting on a rock. My grandmother gave it to me when I was a small child in 1954. It is marked Dalzell on the bottom. Does anyone have any ideas? I know I have submitted several questions but I am ill and trying to divide my many collections between my children or sell what is necessary so my husband won't be burdened by my medical expenses. Sincere Regards Barbara

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Barbara,

Please feel free to submit as many questions as you like.  I'm very sorry to here you're ill but you shouldn't worry about antiques right now. You should spend as much time as you can enjoying your family and friends.  

Your Heisey Dalzell tropical fish figurine is worth around $100-150 dollars.

I hope this information helps and God bless you and I hope you have a full recovery.

Golden Cat with Diamond Eyes Pin

Submitted by:
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I was told with was owned by Queen Remini.

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Jewelry Box

Submitted by: Ellen
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I was told this golden jewelry box dated back to Greece.

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Golden Braided Necklace

Submitted by: Ellen
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I was told this necklace dated back to Greece.

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Roberts and slater serving dish with lid

Submitted by: Janet
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There are hallmarks on dish Roberts and slater and MP on it. The lid has a removable finial. Has original cloth bags. From the mid 1800's. in great condition

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dining table

Submitted by: kathy
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I have a dinette set I must let go but I don't have very much information on it, I need some help with it's value or any info you could? It is a table and stamped on the bottom is Cochrane. C. E. Alamo Oak 7730-78-1

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dining table

Submitted by: kathy
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I have a dinette set I must let go but I don't have very much information on it, I need some help with it's value or any info you could? It is a table and stamped on the bottom is Cochrane. C. E. Alamo Oak 7730-78-1. The table is 48 x 48 or 48 x68 it has 2 10 inch leaves. The chairs are 40 inches high and 19 wide. the seat is 17 1/2 high.

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German Tea Pot, Pan, and Pot

Submitted by: Adam
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I have very little information on these other than what is shown in the pictures. Does anyone have any ideas?

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Louis XVI (??) Chair

Submitted by:
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I don't really know much about this chair and would appreciate any information including value. The chair is in very good condition. The needlepoint and petit point are also in very good shape. The woodworking is beautiful. The chair can be sat on as everyday furniture, however I believe it to be valuable so we do not use it currently.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

My best guess would be your Louis XVI antique chair to be worth around $1500-2500 dollars, but I'm not an expert in antique furniture, so please take my appraisal lightly.

Mother of Pearl Jewelry Box

Submitted by: Adam
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I found this Jewelry Box in my grandparent's home . Any ideas on the value?

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Antique spanish organ grinder and cart

Submitted by: Theresa
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I have been selling things on ebay but had someone approach me to sell this antique Enrique Salva Espana of Barcelona that is in working condition and don't know where to find out its value, or where to sell it! I came upon this website and hope someone knows something about this beautiful piece of history!

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Wrought Iron Baker Rack with Door

Submitted by: Shania
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I really don't know extremely to much about the piece . It has two open shelfs and two shelfs that's are incased with a triangle pattern metal and has a door at the front. It has some age and minor rust on the bottom . The women I bought it from believed that it may had been custome made.

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Grand Parlor Stove

Submitted by: Tricia
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Great condition. I dont know really anything about it except it works. It says on the back/ Grand parlor made in taiwan

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