Free Antique Appraisals


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Are you a dedicated antique collector? Help out fellow antique collectors by submitting your estimate of the below antiques. AntiquesNavigator offers this service completely free of charge, but other than antique padlocks we are not experts on all antiques and collectibles. If you own an extremely rare antique that belongs in the Smithsonian, you're probably better off putting the antique up for auction with Sotherby! However, if you have more commons antiques and collectibles and are curious to their worth, then we can help! AntiquesNavigator does not guarantee the accuracy of the free appraisal, so it might be a good idea to wait until you get at least a couple of responses from our readers before deciding the value of your antique or collectible.

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Carved Ivory Tusk

Submitted by: Pam
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I have an ivory tusk (elephant) carved into a "bridge". It came from Hong Kong in the 1970's. It measures about 22" long. Carving is very detailed.

Photos attached.

I am looking for a value so I can sell it.

Thank you

Submit your estimate of worth

Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Pam,

Beautiful piece!

I would value your ivory tusk in the $275-$350 dollar range.

Good luck selling it.

Estimated Value submitted by Pam

F3nRQ6 scshvfimzbls, [url=]ezjievztoney[/url], [link=]yqumojasbrgn[/link],

"Ravenscliff" China

Submitted by: Joy
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These are the imperial semichina dishes from DunnBennett & Co, England. The pattern is " Ravenscliff. When I contacted DunnBennet they responded that they had no record and was probably pre WW I. He also said they once had a summer home called "Ravenscliff"

I have:
1 large platter
1 medium platter
1 small platter
2 oblong vegetable terrines with lids and handles
1 large fruit bowl
1 Large cream pitcher
1 gravy bowl
3 teacups
14 saucers
11 sauce dishes
12 bread and butter plates
6 large soup bowls
10 dinner plates
11 salad plates

I have cherished these dishes for many years. They once belonged to my family in Canada and as you can see used many times for tea!

Thank you for any assistance you can give.


Joy Betinis

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Antique Chair

Submitted by: Mark
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Hi Tim.

I came across this antique chair, it has damage to the right arm rest and damage to the rattan mesh in various areas.

My question is about information. I have researched the chair but came up unsuccessful on the origin or worth of this item. and if its even worth the cost of repairing. Could you take a look at the photos and point me if possible in the right direction. I greatly appreciate your time and expertise. I am trying to get my feet wet on this antique stuff but my resources/people that are knowledgeable in antiques are few..

Thank you

Mark A. Barron

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Souvenir Spoons

Submitted by: Nikki
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Hi Tim . . .
I have 15 sterling souvenir spoons dating from the late 1800's to the early 1900's. The detail work on each spoon is amazing. The oldest spoon has an engraving on the back of the handle that says Jan"10'91 and it is from Fort Snelling and Minnehaha Falls in Minnesota. The second oldest spoon is from the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893 (in Chicago). The handle is more worn on this one then the others. The spoons are from all over the Midwest and the West Coast with two exceptions; one spoon from Arkansas and one from the Empress Hotel in Victoria, B.C. They are all in very good condition considering how old they are.

I was wondering if they are worth anything anything more then scrap sterling value. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Gulbransen Upright Piano (1920s)

Submitted by: Jenn
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My husband inherited a Gulbransen upright piano when his mother passed away. After some research I have done on the internet,I am guessing it was made around 1926. The piano keys are discolored and some of them are chipped. It needs tuning and am not sure if the player reads sheet music. My husband and I would like to sell it, but are unsure of its worth.

Husband and I are curious of the pianos worth. Need to sell.



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antique bow back chairs

Submitted by: Greg
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We have two antique bow back chairs that we would like an estimate on value for. They are in excellent condition. Attached is a photo.

Thank you.

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Estimated Value submitted by

How do you know they are antique? Did you have a letter of certification from an antique dealer or seller? Many reproductions of Colonial bow-back chairs have been made throughout the early 20th century to present, as popularity waxed and waned. If your chairs are antique, they appear to have been refinished. Especially the seat area. If these were antiques the bottom of the chair legs would show definite signs of wear, i.e. the chair legs would not be flush with the floor, they would appear to be worn down at an angle due to dragging the chair out from underneath a table or just repositioning over the years. The most disturbing thing is the bright and shiny finish. One of the worst things you can do to an antique is refinishing it, as it effects the value. It is hard to tell from the photo, but the chairs appear to have been pegged - a nice touch in authenticity, but not proof of antiquity. Many makers of reproductions strive for authenticity. But, all in all, they are nice chairs and you should enjoy them!

1948 German Antique Clock

Submitted by: Jon and Angela
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I have this clock and need a little help on any thing about it and maybe a price range. The lady brought it back from Germany 1948. thanks for your time


Jon and Angela Witvoet, Auctioneer

Submit your estimate of worth

Estimated Value submitted by 2011-03-30

Hi Jon and Angela,

It's a beautiful clock with a great piece of history behind it!

Assuming the clock is in working condition, you don't mention it. I would say the value of it is in the $1500-2000 dollar range.

I hope this helps and good luck with the auction!

Unique Chair, China & Chair

Submitted by: Debbie
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Good Morning,

I have a Morris Chair that I purchased over 35 years ago and I have not been able to find any like it.

Do you have any information.

Also I have a Antique set of China that an elderly woman that I cared for left to me – I don’t have a Clue about it either. Also a Table.

Thanking you in advance,

Debbie Young I have attached pictures.

Submit your estimate of worth

Estimated Value submitted by Debbie

Hi Debbie,

That's an awesome chair! Your Morris chair is worth some money too! I would value it in the $400-500 dollar range.

Here's a link to a very similar chair that sold for $425 dollars:

Morris chair with carved lions heads

Queen Ann highboy

Submitted by: Duke
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Please give me estimate of worth for Queen Ann highboy, and advise on So Cal liquidation.

Thanks Duke

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Duke,

I would say your queen ann highboy is worth around $1200-$1500 dollars. Here's some links to other highboys that have sold on Ebay:

Queen Anne Mahogany highboy

1940s-1950s Queen Anne highboy

Southern California Auctioneers

John Moran Fine Antique Auctions -- Altadena, CA

A N ABell Auction House -- Los Angeles, CA

South Coast Auction House -- Santa Ana, CA

Grandma's Antique Stove

Submitted by: Lorry
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This was my grandmother's stove. I haven't been able to find one exactly like this one to compare prices. It has 4 burners, griddle in the middle, oven, broiler, side storage and a light on the back top of stove. Everything is original. Everything works. Needs some re-chroming and has 2 spots where it needs new porcelain. If you can find out what it is worth I would deeply appreciate it. I am looking to sell it

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Dresden demitasse/tea set

Submitted by: Nancy
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Here's a photo of the set. Let me know if you need any more. thanks!

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

The city of Dresden had 200 painting studios in its heyday between 1855 and 1944. The studios would buy white porcelain ware from manufacturers such as rosenthal and burnish the pieces in gold and paint wonderful decorative motifs. The value of the pieces is in the decoration and artwork.

Your set is worth around $1500-$2000 dollars. It's a beautiful set, thanks for sharing.

Baby Cradle and Furniture

Submitted by: Jim
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Like to have an idea to sell

Thanks, Jim

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Jim,

The baby cradle is worth between $25-100 dollars, here are some examples:

1800s cradle

Antique walnut cradle

The high chair is probably in the $25-$50 dollar range:

Antique High Chair

The chairs are worth $75 a piece and the table is pretty rough and it would be in the $25-50 dollar range.

I hope this information helps! Good luck selling your furniture.

Wanamaker Knives

Submitted by: Heather
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6 redleaf john Wanamaker bone handle knives, never used.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Heather,

Here's a link to very similar Wanamaker antique knives set that sold for $31.95.

Antique Redleaf John Wanamaker knife set Mint Condition

I hope this helps!

Antique Toy Rabbit

Submitted by: Tom
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I recently purchased this rabbit at an estate sale and would primarily be interested to learn more about it, i.e. maker, time period, etc. From what I can tell, the rabbit as glass red eyes, which are connected to wires, old pins appear to connect the clothes, the rabbit it stitched together with rather large seams. The "shoes" have four words written on them, I can't make out the first two, but the latter two appear to say mercanized cotton. Lastly, the body is that of a cloth doll with everything sewn together. I would greatly appreciate any information you could provide regarding this interesting piece.

Thanks in advance.

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German Iron Cross

Submitted by: Daniel
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Hello,The first Item in a oversized German Iron Cross.I have thought maybe this was a paperwight or maybe came off a gravestone or a war memorial,it is very heavy,made of metal maybe bronze,something is makin the metal turn green in one spot on the back side. i have had this in my possion since I was a kid in New England

the 2nd item. i am thinkin a pill box,imperial Napleon,after his death in exile.but i dont this at a flea market in raleigh,nc.

thank you for ur time

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Daniel,

The iron cross was normally issued to Prussian and later German soldiers as a military decoration. Since the Iron Cross was issued over several different periods of history, it was annotated with the year indicating the era in which it was issued. Your cross was probably issued in World War I.

Since your cross is too large to be warn as a medalian and it doesn't have a pin back (I guess you don't show the reverse side so I assume it's smooth), I'm fairly certain this is a funeral decoration. It either was on a memorial or fell off the casket before burial.

As far as worth, I would say it might fetch $100-$200 dollars, but it could sell for more.

Antique Pill Box

Submitted by: Daniel
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Hello,The first Item in a oversized German Iron Cross.I have thought maybe this was a paperwight or maybe came off a gravestone or a war memorial,it is very heavy,made of metal maybe bronze,something is makin the metal turn green in one spot on the back side. i have had this in my possion since I was a kid in New England

the 2nd item. i am thinkin a pill box,imperial Napleon,after his death in exile.but i dont this at a flea market in raleigh,nc.

thank you for ur time

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Daniel,

I can't tell you much about this pill box. I can't find another one for sale or similar one that has sold. Silver pill boxes usually sell for around $50-100 dollars, but your pill box appears older than most. I would value it around $250-350 dollars.

Maybe one of antiquesnavigators readers will have more info on this one.

Thanks for the submissions!

Coca Cola Prints

Submitted by: Brett & Carolyn
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Bought a manuscript that had negatives to different coca cola photos and had a few large prints that has "courtesy of coca cola archives" on them. what's the worth?

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Brett & Carolyn,

Thanks for submitting the Coca Cola prints in for a free antique appraisal.

They're very unique!
I would place their estimated worth around $100 dollars a piece for them.

Sharon/Cabbage Rose GREEN Pitcher

Submitted by: Joan
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I need some help in learning the value of a pitcher that we have.

It is a Sharon (Cabbage Rose) GREEN Pitcher ( No lips)

Thank you! Joan

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Your Sharon Cabbage Rose pattern depression glass pitcher was produced by the Federal Glass Company between 1935 and 1939. The pattern came in three colors, amber, pink and green (a few pieces came in clear).

I had no trouble finding the pink variety, here are some examples that have sold for around $30-$50 dollars.

Sharon Cabbage Rose Pink No Ice Lip pitcher

80 oz Cabbage Rose pitcher with no ice lip

The only green cabbage rose pitcher without ice lips I found was this one that sold for $550

Green Cabbage Rose Pitcher

Assuming your pitcher is original (they made reproductions in the 1970s) and it doesn't have any chips or other damage, your might have a rare piece of depression glass on your hands!

Estimated Value submitted by

If it is in perfect condition, I have seen them sell from between $300 to $400. There are more than one style of this pitcher - this also changes the value.

German Bilora Bella 66 camera

Submitted by: Lisa
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I bought this at a yard sale last summer and was wondering what its value might be. It is a German Bilora Bella 66 camera I have flash still in original box and camera and case in great condition.

All of it works.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Lisa, Wow, that camera looks brand new!

It's a great yard sale find, but unfortunately it's not worth that much. suggests a retail price of between $20-30 dollars.

Bella 66 Pricing

Thanks for sharing!

Strait Antique Scale

Submitted by: Tom
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This is a Strait Boom Scale, I believe it from H.N. Strait Scales which also manufactured Monarch Scales prior to being sold to Fairbanks Scale. It is a model number 13286, that is the only number I can find. The workmanship and ingraving is great. It goes to 20,000 lbs. I think it used to be on a wagon scale.

I am trying to find out more about it and what it might it may be worth.

Thanks, Tom

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hey Tom,

Cool antique scale.

It's an unusual piece, but I'm not sure the market for it?

I contacted a specialist who deals with antique scales. I'm awaiting his reply.

Unique Wingback Chair

Submitted by: Deborah
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Can anyone help identify the style, period and country of origin of this unique wingback chair?

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94pc Cabbage Rose Depression Glass Serves 8

Submitted by: Debra
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Thank you for the appraisal on couch and chair. Could you please look at the following items.

Thank you


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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Debra,

Wow, that's a terrific set of depression glass. It's hard to price, since there's so many pieces. If I was to take a guess, I would value the complete set at $1800 dollars. However, you might get more money by selling individual pieces.

Thanks again for sharing

Estimated Value submitted by

That is a wonderful set I only have 6 pieces  I know that is very valuable if it is some that's been passed down in the Familey ,if u don't mind me saying u should keep it very well put up and posable pass it down to ur siblings .

Ansonia Royal Bonn La Vinda porcelain mantel clock

Submitted by: Debra
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Thank you for the appraisal on couch and chair. Could you please look at the following items.

Thank you


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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Debra,

Beautiful mantle clock. The pricing on Ansonia Royal Bonn porcelain mantle clocks are all over the place. Does your work? If it's in working condition and free of cracks or chips, I would say it's worth around $700-$900 dollars. If it doesn't work, it might be as low as $100-$200 dollars.

Ansonia Royal Bonn Mantel Clock

Antique Royal Bonn 1755 mantle Clock

Dr. Suess -- Cat in the Hat first edition

Submitted by: Mike
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i have a Dr suess Cat in the Hat first edition, 2nd print,single binding, original dust jacket, colors are bright, what might this be worth?

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Mike, The hat in the cat first edition is one of those rare and valuable books many people remember when they we're younger! First edition, first printing copies with dust covers can fetch $2000-$6000!!!

Your first edition, second printing with dust cover is worth around $400-$600 dollars.

Great find!!

Thanks for sharing.

Presidential Tray

Submitted by: Denise
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I have been doing research on an item that came into our shop recently. The shop is Objects Found, a consignment and antique shop in Catonsville, Maryland. The item being researched is a very old metal (tin?) tray with pictures of the first 24 presidents on the surface. The tray contains an error, as it lists McKinley as the 24th president and does not list Cleveland as being President twice. I found the picture of the tray on your website. I have only been unable to locate information on this item at a website called Design Rocket, she is a private owner and is only showing others her pictures, and the Rare & Manuscript Collection at Cornell University.

Can you give me any further information on this item? If you rare is it? Do you know it's approximate value? Is it really circa 1897 even though the tray has the dates of Christmas 1901 and New Year's 1902 on the sides? We are trying to value it for consignment sale and any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated. It seems to be quite rare and we are very interested in learning more about it.

Thank you so much,

Denise Stanco, on behalf of the owner, Regina Sajauskas
Consignment Item Researcher
Objects Found
818 Frederick Road
Catonsville, MD 21228

Submit your estimate of worth

Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Denise,

That's a nice tray!! Very Vintage!!!

I would say it's from the turn of the century, but I couldn't find any more information about it than you did.

As far as it's value, I'd only be guessing. I've never seen one for sale but I would guess given it's age around $200-$300 dollars or more. It's all about finding the right buyer.

Good luck selling it!

Beautiful Antique Furniture

Submitted by: Debra
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This furniture is in mint condition. Please evaluate for value.

Thank you


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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Debra, Beautiful Furniture!!! Thanks for submitting it for a free antique appraisal.

You antique furniture appears to be done in mahogany and as you said it is in excellent condition. I would value the two pieces together to be worth in the $1500-$2100 dollar range. Here are some examples of similar furniture that as sold by auction:

Old "standard" kerosene stove

Submitted by: Aaron
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I found an old "standard" kerosene stove. It says patented 1914. It has three burners and uses wicks . I'm very curious about the worth because if it not worth much I'm going to convert it into a modern gas burner stove.



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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hey Aaron,

Sweet! Great Photo!

You're kitchen / camper kerosene stove is worth approximately $75 to $100 dollars.

If you convert it to a modern gas burner, send us some photos we'd love to see the "upgraded" model.

Here are some examples of similar kerosene stoves that have sold in the past:

1913 vintage double burner kerosene stove

3 burner kerosene stove

1920 Kerosene perfection style stove

Antique Porcelain Clock

Submitted by: Kristen
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I have a New Haven wedgewood clock that I want to consider for appraisal. Our family has had it for a long time. It works and is not chipped

Thank you.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Kristen, It's a beautiful mantle clock, thanks for submitting it for a free antique appraisal!

The New Haven clock company went out of business in 1970.

Porcelain mantle clocks usually sell for around $150-$500 dollars depending on condition. Since your clock is both working and in great condition, I would price in the $200-$400 dollar range.

Here are some links to similar clocks that have sold by auction:

Porcelain Parlor Clock

Waterbury mantel clock

Ansonia Mantle Clock

New Haven porcelain clock

Antique Cast Iron Stove Top

Submitted by: James
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Antique cast iron stove top with 2 burners. It might be a Griswold, but it doesn't say that name on it anywhere.

On the top it says "Leader" with a "B" below that.

The top is like a demasc print around the burners. It has two white knobs for the gas turn on to each burner. I know it is at least 25 yrs old because my father had it before i was born. I can not find anything like it online, Please help.

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi James, Thanks for submitting your antique stove top for a free appraisal. I would estimate your antique stove top to be worth around $50-$100 dollars. There are numerous examples of similar cast iron stove tops that have sold on Ebay.

Here are some links to similar antique stove tops:

Antique Stove Tops

I hope this helps. I'm no expert on antique stoves, so this is just my opinion. Maybe someone else has a better idea.

Good luck in your search

Tumbler set with pitcher

Submitted by: Jack
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I have a tumbler set with pitcher. The tumblers (5) are bulbous. I'm not sure if they are depression glass or not but I would love to know something about them. They were my mother's. How do I go about it? I have looked on ebay and have been through several pages on this site so far and haven't found anything. Is it possible to send a picture of them? Thank you.

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Estimated Value submitted by Jack

Right after I sent in the appraisal, I happened on the tumblers on

They are 1936 Dunbar Aramis rings pattern tumblers. The picture I saw (page 2 of Depression glass--tumblers) had a matching pitcher. My set has a different pitcher.


Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Thanks Jack,

Here's a link to a set of Dunbar ARAMIS Rings Dunbar ARAMIS Rings glasses for our readers.

Estimated Value submitted by

You can find these iridescent glasses in the published 1938 catalog of Dunbar glass, printed by West Virginia Museum of American Glass. In the catalogs, back then in the 1930s, "Aramis" name wasn't used; this nickname must have come later after the war, likewise, Porthos, Athos for other Dunbar glass sets....why three musketeers? Jack, any history of when your mum got this set? The catalog shows glasses and pitchers could be bought separately. When assembled together in the catalog, it is not this pitcher which is featured, but another which has a shape more like the tumblers--lots of horizontal ribs. There are other Dunbar tumblers which match your pitcher better. They started doing them in 1931 as featured in the 1931 catalog.

Antique Charlotte Doll

Submitted by: Lorin
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Hello, I am trying to find the value of a beautiful and rare Frozen Charlotte doll I have that is 14 1/2 inche tall, blonde and with blush. I have searched online and can find nothing like her.

Do you know where I can look for this?


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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Lorin,

You have what is known as a frozen charlotte/charlie doll made in Germany. They were produced from the 1860's to the 1930's and were meant to be played with while taking a bath. Therefore, they are sometimes called a Bathing doll.

Your doll is not signed, which is not unusual for these dolls. A few german companies produced these dolls, including Conta & Bohme, King & Simon Halbig.

What's unusual about your Charlotte doll is its size. At 14-1/2 inches, it's very large. A few Charlotte dolls in the 8 inch range have sold on Ebay recently for around $200 dollars, but your particular doll might be much rarer. Here are some examples of Charlotte dolls that have sold by auction:

11 Inch Charlotte Doll

Antique Frozen Charlotte Doll

Antique Frozen Charlotte /Charlie Doll Black Hair

It's a beautiful doll and it has a unique history.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

Old Locks

Submitted by: Tom
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br> Here are three of my locks. #1 is from edwards co. but don’t have any info on it. looks like it would take a flat steel key. #2 is old with no markings that I can find. it is steel with a brass cover for the key. it works. #3 looks like it is cast brass there is 740 stamped on the hasp very small. no key looks like it would take a flat key also. the lock I would most like a key for is a yale ordanance dept lock. I found one on ebay with a key and chain but it was sold.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Tom,

They're pretty common locks. The oldest is probaby the smoke house padlock. It's the one with the brass keyhole cover and iron body. Smoke house padlocks were manufactured from the 1860s (or sooner) to probably after the turn of the century. Smokehouse padlocks run around $10-50 dollars, depending on the condition and uniqueness. Your smokehouse padlock is fairly plain jane.

The brass padlock with a chain might have been used on a railroad, but it wasn't made for them directly. Good railroad padlocks are embossed with the railroad initials or name. This particular padlock is pretty common and would sell for $20-30 dollars.

The tin padlock with the word EDWARDS on the front is probably from the 1920's or 1930's and was sold in either a dime store or a hardware store. I would value it around $5-35 dollars

All my dad said was that they were common, but I've been hanging around him long enough to pick up a little bit.

If you have any other questions about them or any other antiques, let us know.

World War II era Postcards

Submitted by: Montana
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I have post cards from the World War II era that have a place where you can put a picture of the person sending the card. I was wondering what they are worth?

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Montana,

Wow, those postcards are cool! Their a great souvenir from World War II. I would estimate their value at around $3-5 each. Maybe more to the right collector. Good luck in your research.

1934 Worlds Fair Pin

Submitted by: Dennis
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I found a 1934 worlds fair pin and would like to email you a picture so as to find out some information about it. I have searched the web and can't find anything about it.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Dennis,

1934 Worlds fair collectibles are fairly common. I would value your pin around $20-25.

Thanks for sending us the photo.

Estimated Value submitted by

I think it's worth about 100.00 or more. I have several pins...from WF. The less made the more valuable.

Estimated Value submitted by

I think it's worth about 100.00 or more. I have several pins...from WF. The less made the more valuable.

Old Tool

Submitted by: BEYERS
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I am in possesion of a very old tool, but have no idee what it is, can you help?

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Beyers, You got us on this one. It's obviously a 90 degree gearbox but what it goes to, we have no clue. If I were to guess, I would say it was a farm tool, used to hand crank a churn perhaps? It's only a guess, and I really don't have a clue to its value, maybe $100 dollars or more???

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