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Ellis Island Mother and Child

Submitted by: Roberta
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This is a painting on plaster of paris 5"X 6" circa 1905. It was bought from the daughter of the initial buyer. The piece is mounted and sealed inside 9X10 inch frame. I have not opened the frame as I thought to get more info about it first.

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Estimated Value submitted by Kenny

Oil painting are usually priced based on the painter.  The most popular and sought after artists command premium pricing.  Do you know who's the artist of your oil painting?

Without knowing the artist's name, I would estimate your Mother and Child oil painting is worth $150-350 dollars.

Budweiser Clydesdale US Army Pool Table Light

Submitted by: Michael
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I cannot find any info on this light online. I believe it is circa 1982 or 1983. I got it from a an Army building on Fort Sill that was being renovated for new trainees. Is has fluorescent and incandescent bulb "sockets" and everything works. Just wondering if it is a rare as it seems and possible value? Thank you.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Michael,

Your Budweiser pool table light is highly collectible and is worth around $150-350 dollars.  However, I've seen them sell much lower.  Here's a similar Budweiser pool table light that sold for $60 dollars:

Submitted by: Danny
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these were my mother in laws, probably vintage. they are in excess of 12 inches tall and in excellent condition

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Submitted by: Sandra
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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Sandra, Your Vintage Baby Stroller is estimated between $100 to $300. From the picture it looks to be a baby stroller and not a baby doll stroller. Most of the stroller's I have seen like yours brings on average $160. Below are a couple of examples: 182.51 105.83 Thanks,

Foo dog

Submitted by: Cristina
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Hi, I have a wooden sculpure of foo dogs and would like to know how old it is.

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Chinese clay figurine

Submitted by: Lisa
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Chinese Wang-style, clay figurine. Approx. 17 inches tall. Early-Mid 1900s ???

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Submitted by: Danny
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Submitted by: Glenna
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This is a painting on plaster of paris 5"X 6" of Mother and Child. It is dated 1905 and painted by an Ellis Island immigrant.

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Ellis Island

Submitted by: Glenna
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This is a painting on plaster of paris 5"X 6" circa 1905. It was bought from the daughter of the initial buyer. The piece is mounted and sealed inside 9X10 inch frame. I have not opened the frame as I thought to get more info about it first.

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Antiques Ashtray/Cigarette Lighter

Submitted by: Glenna
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It's very old and has been in the family for years. It is powered electrically and the cord appears to be intact. It worked last time it was plugged in.

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What is this?

Submitted by: Joe
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This appears to be a very old holder of some sort. It is leather, framed kind of crudely of metal and affixed with what looks like rose gold, but I am skeptical about that. Any information and details would be most appreciated. I would mainly like to know what this is, and it's era. Thank you!

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JYEL stove

Submitted by: misty
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I have a JYEL stove. I know nothing about it. I've tried googling it and can not find a single thing about it. If anyone has any information about it I would really appreciate it. Thanks

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how much is this doll worth??

Submitted by: Crystal
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PrecisousMoments antique Bonnie #4561. great condition all accessories are here and original stand,locket included in excellent condition as well as mouse . tag says division of Wallace Berrie & Co. Inc Woodland Hills Ca 1985 Samuel J. Butcher This is a registered trademark of wallace Berrie & us voluntary product standard PS 72 -76 United Kingdom standards bs 3443 bs 5665 European standard EN - 71

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Crystal, Your Precious Moments Bonnie Doll #4561 is worth between $13 to $18. One sold in 2013 for $13.50 another in 2014 for $15.99. As with most Precious Moments Dolls they are more of a keepsake than anything else. Thanks,

1956 corvette hand blown glass ornament

Submitted by: Jennifer
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I have this vintage 1956 Corvette ornament that I would like to know value. It's just like the other ornament, Oldsmobile convertible, and I haven't found any like either of them. The corvette is 9"x4"x1.5", the Oldsmobile is 11"x4"x2". Can you please help me determine a listing price. Thanks, Jennifer :-)

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Orange Bowl

Submitted by: Beth
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I have search and asked and can't find any info on this beautiful square, cut glass bowl in brilliant orange. I find no markings either. It was found in a chest with several Limoge plates and a Nuart Homestead plate.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Beth, Your Orange Bowl is worth between $10 to $25. Most similar bowls I see bring on average $18. Even Fenton orange bowls are $35 or less. Thanks,

Nuart Plate

Submitted by: Beth
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I've been told that the Nuart plate I have is special. How old is this piece? There is a 3cm chip on the back of the plate but it is not visible on the front. How much will this damage affect the value.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Please send a picture of the complete plate. Front and Back Thanks,

Scene-In-Action Co. Antique Lamp

Submitted by: Janis
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I have a lamp that I can find no information about. It was made by the Scene-In-Action Corporation in Chicago. It stands 19" tall and about 7" wide. It is quite heavy for its size. It seems to be made of metal and painted. I have not found any other lamps that look like this that were made by this company. It works though the plug does need to be replaced.

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5 carved clay faces

Submitted by: deb
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I have 5 carved clay faces they have holes in the sides like they were used for a necklace

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Submitted by:
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seashell oblong shaped tray with this on the back it says reed&barton silver soloered 423 hotel Sherman co.

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Unidentified Stamped Stoneware Vase

Submitted by: Rosana
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I have had this vase for a few years and never could ID the stamp on it. It measures 6 1/2" tall, 11" circumference. If you have any idea where that stamp is from, any idea what this is, it would be a God send. I fell in love with this thing as soon as I saw it for it being so imperfect and rustic, and has been sitting on my shelf. But it's just driving me crazy every time I see it that I have no idea where it's from or what it is. Thank you in advance to the genius who figures this one out, seriously.

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Submitted by: Stephe
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Battle of Waterloo 1815 Soldiers of the Black Watch

Submitted by: Dave
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4 Victorian soldiers from the 1815 battle at Waterloo. 1) High Lander Bayonet needs Repair Rear weapon missing, small Blade. 2) Grenadier Bayonet needs repair, missing small blade at rear. 3) Welsh Fusilier Pike Head Broken off Needs replacing. 4) Irish Dragoon The Highlander has been cleaned and a temporary Bayonet has been fitted. These are all marked with the inscription Elkington & co on one side. JE Boehm SCR on the other side. Front Inscription is of solider name as above and 1815 under the name. They are Bronze Figures plated in Silver. 44.5cm high (not including base) 47cm high with base. any help would be much appreciated on value and potential sale interest.

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Submitted by: Stephanie
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Nonmarkings anywhere. Roundvside two tiered table ingot from a relative after she passed. She was a accountant for Merle Norman.

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ms rainwater

Submitted by:
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Around 1950 Tudor plate Oneida community cake knife silver

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Submitted by: kent
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need to know worth, value?

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Submitted by: kent
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need to know worth, value?

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Anheuser Busch Framed Prints

Submitted by: Anthony
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We have 3 of these. 1. Westward Ho 2. The Father of Waters. 3. A Fight for the Overland Mail. We would like to sell these. They measure 22w x 13h including frames. They are very, very old.

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Estimated Value submitted by

Hi Anthony, Your Anheuser Busch Framed Prints are worth between $100 to $300 for the set and possibly more depending on the frame work. The Westward Ho is worth between $25 to $60. The Father of Waters $30 to $90. A Fight for the Overland Mail $50 to $150. If they are signed prints you could get in the thousands for the set. A set of 5 prints that were signed brought $4182.50 in 2010. Thanks,

Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Anthony, Your Anheuser Busch Framed Prints are worth between $100 to $300 for the set and possibly more depending on the frame work. The Westward Ho is worth between $25 to $60. The Father of Waters $30 to $90. A Fight for the Overland Mail $50 to $150. If they are signed prints you could get in the thousands for the set. A set of 5 prints that were signed brought $4182.50 in 2010. Thanks,

Submitted by:
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Would like to find out what this is

Submitted by: Noah
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Trying to find out if this is indeed antique, what the metal is and it's classification (toy, charm...). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Submitted by: Vicki
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A dresser that my auntie gave me 30 years ago and she was 95 then. I don't know much more than that except it has been a blessing.

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vintage antique Wedgwood stove

Submitted by: Noah
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vintage antique Wedgwood stove from the 1920's non functional in egg shell white with all the parts looks great inside or out!

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Noah, Without seeing a picture I would estimate your Vintage Wedgwood Stove between $200 to $500 if it can be repaired to working order. Thanks,

Child's Copper potty

Submitted by: Carlo
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Found this in the basement. A copper box approx. 12" square and 6-8" deep with a hinged lid with an oblong hole in it and a depressed seat. Has a copper carrying handle. No identifying marks of any kind. Nice patina.

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Rose lamps

Submitted by: sturg
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Pair of lamps, roses are pink, green and cream, approximately 25 inches tall

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Rose lamps

Submitted by: sturg
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Pair of lamps, roses are pink, green and cream, approximately 25 inches tall

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Foot lamp

Submitted by: Rich
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Working foot lamp by body parts 1979,table lamp with big toe on off switch

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old colibri lighter gold plated

Submitted by: Paul
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i have a old colibri lighter its gold plated and i would like to know a little more about it not really looking to sell i just want to know a little history on it mainly what year it was made

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Ventriloquist doll

Submitted by: Jennifer
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Hello, can you please help me determine value and tell me what you know about this ventriloquist doll. It has a pull cord in the back that appears to control his mouth, but isn't working, came unhooked. Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Jennifer, Your Ventriloquist Doll is either a Charlie McCarthy or a Danny O'Day. I can't really tell by the picture. They both bring about the same at auction, just depends on the condition of the doll. They are estimated between $30 to $80. On average they are bringing around $42 for the standard doll the upgraded models I have seen go for as much as $130 Hope this helps, Thanks,


Submitted by: Claudia
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I have an old Mauthe wind up clock in working order. It would make a nice kitchen clock. Im not sure what the value would be?

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Claudia, Please send a picture


Submitted by: SUZI
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pettibone sword

Submitted by: brandy
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Husband found this sword at work. Has pettibone bros. Stamped on the blade. The sleeve has red colored crosses and one inside a blue colored crown. Very detailed and decorated blade.

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hand carved bird in glass dome

Submitted by:
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Recently inherited this white hand carved bird in glass dome, there are no markings anywhere on it. Very fine detail work on bird. Believe it's a game bird, thought maybe it was a California quail but head tuft hangs the wrong direction. Can you please tell me anything you can about it and value? Thank you, Jennifer **update: still have not found any info about this piece. I believe it is made of bone, during researching I found others that looked the same material wise. Other than that, no new information.

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Italian nativity scene figurines

Submitted by: Jennifer
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Since I am submitting from my phone, it will only allow me to post one picture so I'll post the one containing all the figurines. The bottom of the pieces are concaved and say Italy. Can you please help me determine value. Thank you! :-)

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27" Porcelain Doll Sawdust filled Victorian Antique

Submitted by:
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This is a very large old porcelain doll. I haven't see one this big. It has porcelain limbs and the body is sawdust filled. It is 27" long. Very old clothes, the top dress has some rips. Back of neck has the number 10 on the porcelain. No cracks.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi, I have seen \\\"Antique Porcelain Dolls filled with sawdust\\\" go from anywhere between $25 to $500or more. I believe this is largely due to so many reproductions out there that are being sold as originals. Below is a link that will help you determine if yours is an original or a reproduction. Hope this helps,

1926 Powder Compact

Submitted by: MJ
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Engraved copper lady's powder chained with 3 compact.

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1911 8-Burner Cast Iron Wood Stove - Fuller Warren Co

Submitted by:
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Hello, My family owns a former resort lodge on a lake in Northwestern Wisconsin. The kitchen features the original enormous wood stove used to cook meals for the resort. The lodge was built in 1911-12. We assume that is when the stove was installed. It has some cracks and leaks. We've decided we can't safely use it anymore for heat, and we need to replace it with something modern. We're very sad about that, but also cold. To be removed from the kitchen, it would need to be dismantled somehow to fit through the door. Is there antique interest in an item like this? Thank you, Neil

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Submitted by: Tishica
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Very detailed Moby Dick Stein. Not sure the signature on the bottom? Can an one tell me who this is made by an any value besides just being totally awesome! Thanks.

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Submitted by: Tishica
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Very detailed Moby Dick Stein. Not sure the signature on the bottom? Can an one tell me who this is made by an any value besides just being totally awesome! Thanks.

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antique ivory handle silver plated serving fork.

Submitted by: robin
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I believe this serving fork might be rare considering I cannot find the same one anywhere online. If you could give me some information about it and its worth it would be very much appreciated. Thanks sincerely, Jesse Lorden

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1940's or 1950's Cosco metal bouncer and high hair

Submitted by: Rebekah
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I stumbled upon a metal bouncer and a metal high chair at an estate sale in a local town. I simply asked if they had any baby items, as I was pregnant and looking for a swing, high chair etc. when the lady took me to the basement to show me an older fisher prices rock n swing, my eyes immediately spotted the chair and bouncer ( though at that moment I had no idea what the bouncer was). I wound up getting all three items ( the modern swing and the two antique Cosco items) for just $25. And the swing was $10. So basically I found a steal on these two antique items at $15 for the pair. Can anyone tell me what they are worth. The high chair has a unique wheat or grass blade pattern that cross in the vynle it has a stainless Steel tray I'm guessing as a little scotch pad brought it to a great shine and it has a three positionble removable foot rest. and the bouncer has obviously been recovered in a material that has little Cowboys ans it's material is too new in appearance but the springs are a tad warped and the metal built on tray has been painted over. It has a very unique cover that allows a metal "hook" that is uniquely designed to loop over ans under the main brace of the bouncer. My grandmother was 84 at the time and couldn't recall ever having seen one like this. So does anyone know their value ans is the bouncer a doll toy or was it meant for actual children to sit in?

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writer's desk

Submitted by: LINDA
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