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I got this book from my grandmother, this is The key to heaven book. has a cross in the middle, states 1881 and 1801 on the inside. i dont know what year this is, or value. can anyone please help. i couldnt find any information on this type of book. thank you

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52 inch saw blade

Submitted by: Brent
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I have a 52" round sawmill blade in great shape. I have no clue what to ask for it.

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52 inch saw blade

Submitted by: Brent
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I have a 52" rpenny scale in great shape. I have no clue what to ask for it.

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wrong description not a sawblade

pottery plates gray glaze blue painted

Submitted by: tom
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I have two pottery plates with no markings. The "feet" of the plates appear to be beige or yellow clay, but the rest of the plate is covered in a light gray glaze. Not the edges, but the actual center of the plates are painted with a blue paint. The center of the plate is almost like drips of paint all bunched together surrounded by a border of a "flowing" design. You can feel the paint is raised from the plate. i bought them at a thrift store, so I dont have more history on them. Pictures are available.

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declaration of independence

Submitted by: jessica
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i have a certified fac-mile copy of the declaration of independence,, with a signed seal by the department of state, certifying that it is a true copy..

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Rosenthal 12 3/4 Ginger JAr w/ silver overlay

Submitted by: cnlcf
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Rosenthal 12 3/4 Ginger JAr w/ silver overlay Very Nice Condition

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1900 german porcelain german vase

Submitted by: luca
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This vase should be geman porcelain. There is written "Amor entwaffnett" in the bottom. There is only a small seal that I found in a Hutschenreuther marks page, but it's not the regular one: it looks like an "U" with two lines connecting the opposite sides of th "U".

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end table

Submitted by: Sara
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sewing machine cabinet

Submitted by: Sara
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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Sara,

Your photo is a little rough looking, but if your antique sewing machine cabinet is in decent shape it's worth around $100-150 dollars.

Capiodimonte bouquet in vase

Submitted by: Roxanne
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Five flower bouquet in vase two buds three pink two yellow flowers two yellow buds with leaves crown with N on bottom have pictures

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$150 if no chips/cracks

anheuser busch 1863 chicago worlds fair pocket knife

Submitted by: Sandi
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very good condition. Nickel silver. This knife has two stanhopes. One showing Busch, the other showing his factory. All original blades and in good condition.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Sandi,

Cool pocket knife!

Your 1863 Anheuser Busch / Chicago Worlds Fair pocket knife is worth between $350-400 dollars. Here's one that sold for $372.57:

Anheuser Busch 1893 pocket knife

Thanks for sharing!

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i found one of these and it has all the same stuff then this but in the hole with busch. it says 1904, is that the year the one i found was given out?

Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table?

Submitted by:
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I am wanting to know if the table I found is in fact a Charak Furniture Federal-style Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table. The bottom of teh drawer is marked Heirloom Weiman Quality Tables #605. In writing it is marked 375 605. Also, on the drawer facing, bottom side there is a number 7 engraved in the wood. Inlay top with light, gold coloring, srr legs for details, as well. No rollers on bottom of legs, nor any indication of holes where rollers would have been. Metal, spring arm hinges for the sides to expand making the table oval in shape. Minimal scratches,very sturdy. Thank you for your time and information pertaining to this piece.

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Collectible Ceramic Pottery

Submitted by: Anthony
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I have a tan colored ceramic pot with a lid that has a ceramic handle in the center. It is 7 1/4" in diameter outside to outside edge. 3 1/2" from the bottom to the top of the lip without the lid, with the lid it is 5". It also has the #31 printed on the bottom. It sits in a solid silver basket, (for lack of a better term),that has two handles. They also are silver. On the bottom of the basket is the #1309 and there are four letters also, they are, E,P,B,M. There are also four ball shaped feet of which one is stamped with; Standard Silver Co. Ltd. Toronto,Can. These are in a circle. Inside the circle, there is a vine wrapping around to the left side, a * (star?)that sits in the crotch of a geometric shape. I just can't quite make out what it is. The silver is tarnished, It has 2 hair line cracks in the bowl. 1 on the base of the handle, not all the way through, but it is very stable. I do believe they happened during the firing process. I would appreciate any information you can give me about this item, as well as an appraisal. Thank you; Tony

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Estimated Value submitted by Anthony

I really don't have any idea of what the value of this item is. The bowl and lid are rather plain, but the basket is solid silver. The basket dose have a little bit of a pattern going around the top outside edge, sort of an alternating ostrich plumb. The silver content may be worth about $50.00 to $75.00 I'm not really sure. I would also like to have a rough idea of how old it might be. Thank you; Tony


Submitted by:
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236 pages in Decorative HARDCOVER. good condition. Gilt page edges all around. Pages are clean and the binding is in good condition. The front and back covers are not in the best condition. The book on the inside is in very good condition.Freemasonry Freemasons Masonic , Rosicrucian , Occult. This book was privately published by the author in 1854 and is a 1st EDITION.

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Your book entitled "The Mysteries of Astrology & the Wonders of Magic" by Dr. C.W. Roback is worth $200-250 dollars. Here's one for sale on Amazon by a rare book dealer for $225:

The Mysteries of Astrology & the Wonders of Magic 1854

941 hamilton pocket watch

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i have a hamilton 941, pocketwatch that i would like to know the value of. the serial num is 696035, it says double roller, hamilton watch co , lancaster pa. 21 jewels, has 3 doors that open..and the num 603484 inside each..adjusted 5 positions..

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Your hamilton 941 pocket watch is worth $900-1200 dollars, if it is in working condition. If it's broken, it would bring down the value substantially, maybe to around $200-300 dollars.

Pyrex bowl

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It is at least 30 years old to my knowledge. Green bowl with gold flowers and leaves on it. The bottom says 443 2 1/2 29 trademark Pyrex, made in usa ovenware

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Submitted by: arthur
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antique chairs antique benchesanyinfo on origin and value all in excellent condition

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Help with identifying porcelain Garden Seat

Submitted by: Mike
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I found who I believe is the maker on 387. Yuedong Qi Chang - East Guangdong Porcelain Factory Qing Dynasty? Value? I would greatly appreciate any input!

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Pr Tongzhi Plates, Brass Silk Iron, Black Wedgewood

Submitted by: sandr
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I have two identical plates that I believe are from the Tongzhi period Condition is great, although they need cleaning (I am unsure what to clean them with) The brass silk iron is in great shape, have no other information on it The Black Wedgewood is in great shape with one small chip in lid

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Filing cabinets

Submitted by: David
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I have 2 matching 28 drawer filing cabinets , olive green , original paint mfg. by Security Steel Equipment Corp. of Avenel , N.J. They contain drawers for index cards, letter files , 2 door shelf and blue print files ? .

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i wan to sell it.same thing

Submitted by: hanif
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i wan to sell it.same thing

Submitted by: hanif
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Union Stove Works Daisy Parlor Stove #21

Submitted by: Gloria
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Never used. Still in pristine condition. Circa 1850.

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christofle tea/coffee pot

Submitted by: Y.Hendra
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Appraisal my pot please. Thanks

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Beveled china cabinet

Submitted by: ajs22
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I have a 6 ft high beveled glass china cabinet. It was my grandmothers when i was first in her house in 1946 - so is older than that Stamped lettering on the back of the piece is as follows (q marks is where I can not make out the lettewrs A. Wage??a?? Man?i?phah ?actory 142 Nobles Mar?crooms 53 EN2DS B??DA PA

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ross moyner circa 1910 earthmover

Submitted by: Debby
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it says good year om tires and heil on hub caps it says USA and 1910

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Capodimonte large soup tureen

Submitted by: Colleen
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Large Capodimonte Soup Tureen with a light grey glaze, 2 pink roses in front with one pink rosebud on each side, with green and yellow leaves and large pink rose on top of cover, also with green and yellow leaves. 12w, 12d, 151/2h, excellent condition Made in Italy and Capodimonte marking on bottom

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Submitted by: DON
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ANTIQUE.survaying transit/level.made by ( SOKKISHA )MODEL#L 4851, PAT,NO70304,PAT NO,89946.Item is made of solid brass main part of instrument is painted matallic grey,with the base having black crackling paint with plain brass nobs etc.also has a large glass liquid filled level ontop.made in 1920,SOKKISHA WAS IN BUISNESS FROM 1920-1940 until they changed there name.& they have done so several tumes I believe about five times total & they are still in buissness today.Also the Item is still in origional wooden box w/plumb bob,mirror,screwdriver,& lens cover ,basemount & lense shader type attachment,& some strange metal pins.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Don,

Your 1920's Antique Japanese transit is worth between $100 and $200 dollars. Here's some similar transit's that have sold in that price range:

Antique Transits

Submitted by: Margaret
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Vintage Carved Jade Pendants w/gold bails

Submitted by: Candy
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These pendants belonged to my great-grandmother and they were in her jewelry chest loaded with lots of special pieces. The two Jade pendants are approx. 1 3/4" long not including bail and 3/4" wide.

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glasco tru-temp baby milk thermometer

Submitted by: michelle
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It has the paper work with ,also is in the box and wrap in the paper from when it was new. dose not look like it has ever been used. i do not know how old it is. the glass is so clean that you can read all the degrees .

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Press Back Rocking Chair

Submitted by: Irene
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This rocking chair is an unknown age, and has been well used. But it's recently been re-touched by a professional and despite wear and tear, has no damage affecting it's use. Newer seat (looks like leather) and pretty design. Probably solid oak.

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Campbell soup dolls

Submitted by: brenda
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These were passed downed to me and I really would like to know what they are worth.They are vinyl and in somewhat decent shape.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Brenda,

Yoru Campbell soup dolls are worth $75-100 dollars.

Thanks for sharing.

crystal glass prism lamps

Submitted by: brenda
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They are about 32-36 inches tall with 12 glass prisms on each bowl.And padded white lamp shades.

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Dixie NoSmoke Woodstove

Submitted by: Henry
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Dixie NoSmoke Wood Stove, Manufactured by Dixie Foundry Co. Cleveland, TN. Model 7R-17. age is unknown, cannot find anything about it online. Brick lining inside is in good shape. Porcelain outside some rust on base.

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I'm not sure what it would be worth. We have the exact same one; we were trying to find out information about it but haven't had much luck.

uncle sam bank

Submitted by: arlene
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i have a uncle sams coin drop bank want to know what it is worth

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I had a bank collection and I had this one. It is most probably a reproduction as most are in this good condition. around $40 to 50.

Washer Dryer

Submitted by: Annette
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Maytag Dryer - small; almost a minature. In very good shape. K DE 50 on door, also a serial number. Green. Speed Queen "Super Twin" washer. 2 containers. It looks like you wash in one and spin in the other. Also a L & H white stove. Also in very good shape.

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Estimated Value submitted by Guest

I have this dryer. I looked up tharterial number and it said it was made in 1995. I was disappointed as I thought it was much older. 

$30 as an art piece.

Old Leather Walley

Submitted by: Peter
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i have this wallet that i'm interested in finding out more about, its leather, has Old Paliament House engraved on the front with the state emblems surrounding it, inside the tag says K. F. Haupt & Sons Sydney - N.S.W. Calf

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Hi Peter,

It appears to me that your wallet is souvenir, but I've never see one before, so I can't be 100% sure.

I would say it might be work around $50-100 dollars.

byron ?

Submitted by: pmw1@
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a 12 place blue and white dinner service,3 size plates, chargers, bowls, i have photos if i can work out how to put them on here for you to see

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St. Christopher dining room

Submitted by: Ernest
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This 3 piece Bicentenial dining room set is circa 1800's. The set includes a mahagony dining room table. A glass and mahagony dish display case, a large mahagony chest with six drawers. Must be sold as a set since they are combined in same style. The chairs were lost during the revolution, but I do have six mahogony chairs to go with the table.

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Hamilton Quadruple Plate Diamond Metal

Submitted by: Doreen
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9.5" diameter 3" high on four feet ornate handle rise 8.5" #177 four ornate cutout designs with ornate trim around bowl and ornate handle crown. 3" dome in center of bowl bed. no visible dings. Part of antique glass and silver collection handed down from parents and grandparents. Seeking valuation and selling environment/vendors.

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Submitted by:
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Its A painting on leaves of two birds on branches I dont know what it is called its fron Varnee Gallery

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Victorian Reproduction Setee

Submitted by: Jacquelyn
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The 3 piece Setee is a Pelham, Shell & Leckie Original. Hand Made somtime between 1926 and 1929. There are no stains or rips or worn down areas on the fabric. The are a Gentlemans and Ladies chair and couch. One of the chairs and the couch need to be restuffed. The set is in very good condition

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Old native statue made in occupied japan

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I will post photos of said antique. I believe it to be porcelin and it is stamped," made in occupied Japan".

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The Demolished Man

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This is a paper back book.It is called The Demolished Man.By Alfred Bester Copyright 1953

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester Copyright 1953 is worth $5-10 dollars. There are couple sellers on selling 3rd edition copies for $8.


Submitted by:
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This is a hard back book.It is called Raggedy Ann Stories.By Jonny Crue4lle.All rights in this work are property of The Bobbs-Merrill Company,Inc. 1961

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

This is a fairly common children's book, there are many sellers on Amazon selling this book for $4, including shipping.

Beezus and Ramona

Submitted by: Tammie or Leslie
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This is a paper back book.By Beverly Cleary.It is called Beezus and Ramona.Copy Right 1955 by Beveely Cleary.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

First edition Beezus and Ramona sell for $150-200 dollars. Here's one that's for sale for $200: Beezus and Ramona 1955 first edition

The Little Tiny Rooster

Submitted by: Tammie or Leslie
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This is a hard back book.By Will and Nicolas.The Two Reds.Finders Keepers(Caldecott Award Winner,1952)

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Estimated Value submitted by Tammie or Leslie

Lil'-snack candy vending machine

Submitted by: Tammie or Leslie
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Lil'-snack candy machine.It works and has the key.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tammie or Leslie

Estimated Value submitted by 50-200

I am buying the exact one this weekend for 50

Brass Hurd lock, model 220 with key

Submitted by: liz
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