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Submitted by: Linpo
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These are from my parents estate and were bought in Japan sometime between 1947 and 1953. Thank in advance for any info you could give me about these.

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Wall Table with Pink Marble Table Top

Submitted by: alan.
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Hi there, I recently purchased an old wall table and my wife and I rather like the piece, but would dearly love to know some more about it. I have attached photos, and would be greatly appreciative if you could have a look at see whether you might be able to place an age on the item. Table is of unknown age and origin. Recently purchased from estate sale in Ireland. Photos are attached showing an ornate style leg to the table. There appears to be two types of wood used at least on the table frame itself. Any information on style. design, history etc. would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, alan

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Presidential Kalamazoo Company Stove

Submitted by: Bryan
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Hello, I was wondering how much this Presidential Kalamazoo Company "Direct to you" stove is worth. It says that it was made in Kalamazoo Mich 8-18 36. So, I am assuming that is a date for being made in 1936. It is in alright shape. It works and has been used because the prior owner told me she used it for heat. Also, I was wondering how much something like this would cost to get fully restored. Thanks

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Alex Tom

Submitted by: Alex
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my father was given this as a gift years ago and passed it on to me. the subject is in excellent condition and has been kept in storage.

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Milk Glass Basket

Submitted by: Wanda
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This is a milk glass basket measuring 6" high and 6" diameter. The flowers are relief and the outside surface is rough. No impression markings on base. Markings in red only. There is illumination through glass when held to light. I have not seen one like this in my 30+ yrs. A local long term dealer was unable to give any information. There are a couple of the leaves broken. I don't want to assume it is a nothing kind of piece. Thank you

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Submitted by: Trisha
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The writing on the back from what I can tell says CA MERMOLD 206 or Samermold and then a letter and 206.

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Totem figure

Submitted by: Trisha
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I think it says samermold or camermold 206.

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Presidential Kalamazoo stove

Submitted by: Bryan
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I was wondering how much this presidential kalamazoo "direct to you" stove company is worth. It says Kalamazoo mich 8-18 36, so I'm assuming it was made in 1936. It's in alright condition and I know it works and was used because the last owner said she used it. Also, I was curious on what something like this would cost to restore.

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Presidential Kalamazoo stove

Submitted by: Bryan
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I was wondering how much this presidential kalamazoo "direct to you" stove company is worth. It says it was made in kalamazoo mich 8-18 36, so I am assuming it is a 1936 model. It is in alright condition and I know it works and has been used because the prior owner said she used it for heat. Also, I was curious on what something like this would cost to restore. Thanks

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Schoenhut 5 key toy piano

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Toy piano with 5 perfectly tuned keys. patent Sept 18, 1900. Was my great Aunts and I have stored for the past 40 years. My great aunt was born in 1886 so I assume they bought it new. It has been played with as shown by some scratches on the wood but the tone is great. I found other pianos but not with 6 keys. Thanks for any help.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky


Your Schoenhut 5 key toy piano is estimated between $32 to $55.

On average at auction they sell for $35


Chambers working stove circa 1950

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Yellow working Chambers stove probably from the 50's. I got it from someone who was moving and didn't want to take it with them. It is 37 inches wide and fully functional. Has the stovetop broiler, a canning and freezing well and 3 burners. The broiler is a griddle when closed. It is fully insulated and I have original instructions and paperwork. It is a great stove!

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky


I have seen yellow Chambers stove circa 1950 sell at auction for as little as $51 and as high

as $1,800. The realistic range is $300 to $450. If selling at auction be sure to have a

minimum bet.

Below are some examples:,

antique plastic toy mixer

Submitted by:
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Toy mixer with no name or markings. Just says "PAT.PEND" very good condition and mixer blades turn but metal posts are a little rusty. Bowl is removable. I remember playing with this when I was a toddler and I am 64. Not sure where it came from.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky


Your Antique Plastic Toy Mixer is estimated between $12 to $18.

I believe the two beaters double as salt & pepper shakers. If the beaters have the original

corks in the end of them you may get a little more.


antique toy stove

Submitted by: jEANIE
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Cast iron toy stove with skillet and stew pot and griddle handle. Front of oven door has DOT on it. top oven door pin is broke but door still can work. This was my great aunt's who was born in 1886 and I have had for about 40 years.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Jeanie,

Your Antique Toy Stove is estimated between $10 to $15. It look like your missing the center piece that fits on the back of the stove. If you can locate this it may be worth more.

Below is a link of some that have sold at auction.


working sewing machine

Submitted by: jEANIE
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Sewing machine that would probably work if I could find a needle to put in it! The wheel, foot lever, needle post up and down motion and fabric feed all work. I assume this is a toy but who knows. Can't find a brand or markings just decorative scrollwork. I don't want my grandkids to play with it if it is something that has any value. Thanks

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Vintage Chinese Table

Submitted by: Megan
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pill box?

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I assume this is a pill box but now I am thinking it may have held the Victrola needles for the vintage cabinet Victrola that I have. There was only a small button and old rice paper in it. It has "His Masters Voice" on the top that have been fashioned and raised from manipulating the metal. Thin metal, I am assuming tin. Thanks

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JJ Austen Co. postcard

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numbered 121. Titled "The Study" copyrighted JJ Austen Co. Chi. Was sent to my great aunt probably around 1914 since that is when most of the other postcards I have are dated. (from 1904 to 1919).

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Bavaria gold plate signed by osborne

Submitted by: maggi
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Gold plated plate with handles, cobalt blue lining around the edge with gold plated flowers. 10 years ago was valued at 125.00 Very good condition Age unknown

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Large antique Yale padlock with 2 keys

Submitted by:
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I have a working 3in. x 4in. Yale padlock and 2 keys. On the side with Y&T on it, the number 58 is stamped into the lock. Could you give me an approx. value or tell me where I could find info. on similar Yale padlocks? Thank you

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Large antique Yale padlock with 2 keys

Submitted by: kendra
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I have a working 3in. x 4in. Yale padlock with 2 keys. It has the number 58 stamped into the lock on the side with Y&T on it. Could you give me an approx. value or tell me where I could find info. on similar Yale padlocks? Thank you

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three tier shelf Cushman Colonial Creation

Submitted by: stephanie
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I recently purchased this table for 10.00 in an online yardsale community.I noticed there is a raised seal saying "Cushman Colonial Creation". The table has been painted, but I am curious to know its value, if any, before i re paint it. If you could send an estimate of value to my email I would appreciate it. Thanks Stephanie Falk

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Submitted by: Geoffrey
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I have two mantel clocks the first clock 8 jours isotta fraschini jaeger Paris written on the face it's a wind up small wooden clock . The second clock I have is a large wooden mantel clock on the face of cock it has Rundles Melbourne and made in Germany is under the 6 on it .it has two holes one on each side of the face for the key and a glass door . The back has a wood door when open the gold plate has numbers on it 847519 or it might be 84/519 also has on the back of the wood door 6nscH looks like done in gray pencil Ek/Y as well . That about all I can tell you about the they both work also have the gold key that winds it . I will send photos of both clocks thank you I hope that this little information can help .

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Submitted by: Geoffrey
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Highly carved barrel chair

Submitted by: Steve
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I have a highly carved, barrel chair that is upholstered. Scalloped upholstered on inside of barrel.

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Limoges antique dishes

Submitted by: Becky
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I have a set of Limogues dishes I would like to know the value of. They are for a set of 12. It includes platters, large bowls, and gravy boats.

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unknown Vintage Antique Capodimonte Porcelain Table Lamp w dolphin stands

Submitted by: steven
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unknown Vintage Antique Capodimonte Porcelain Table Lamp w dolphin stands

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Submitted by: marcia
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Turned wood and brass rail umbrella or cane stand with removable metal tray at base. Designed to sit in a corner - two straight sides and one curved side.Vintage or antique?

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14k key vintage holdet

Submitted by: Stephen
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No makers hallmarks just 14k it looks identical to tiffany

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Dynastone ceramic dinnerware complete set--what's the value?

Submitted by: Joseph
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I have a complete set of Dynastone dishware that is in near perfect condition. When I tried to find these online I couldn't find a single set like this for sale on eBay, or anywhere else for that matter. The description on the back states "Oven to-Table to-Washer". My guess would be that this set is from the 50's or 60's? They are ceramic and it states "stoneware" on them as well. I will post as many pics as I'm capable. Does anyone have an idea of the value on a set like this? Thanks in advance!

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5 gallon jug

Submitted by: Miranda
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No other known markings.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Miranda,

Your 5 Gallon Jug is estimated between $35 to $50. In 2006 the jugs were selling for a lot

more. But today the average is closer to $40


Is this a genuine Disney Goofy Bank?

Submitted by:
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This bank would have likely been purchased in the 1950's - 1960's. It is a painted ceramic Goofy coin bank. He's approximately 4" x 5" x 5 1/2". It's in fabulous shape and seems to have hardly been handled. There is a signature on the base near the stopper. Does anyone have any ideas about it's origin or that signature? Thank you for whatever information you can offer!

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky


I have never seen a Goofy Bank painted like this one. I believe it may have been made by an

individual. At auction Goofy Head banks similar to this one are ranging between $10 to $15.

Hope this Helps,

Trend Wall Clack

Submitted by:
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I have a Trend Wall clock that was given to a friend of mine as a wedding gift, and described then as an antique. This was approx. 1937-8. It is not in working order, I think caused by over tightening the key. it is otherwise well taken care of,i would describe it as in good condition. walnut,

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Need help with these pieces

Submitted by: Apryl
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I'm new to this antique looking but I gotten these from a yard sale and was wondering about the authenticity of the pieces I got

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Big Joe #31 Hanks stove &Range company

Submitted by:
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All I know is it a wood stove that was in my Grandparents old school.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky


Your Bid Joe Cast Iron Pot Belly Stove #31 by Hanks Stove and Range Co. is estimated

between $800 to $1,000. The company was incorporated in 1901 and located in Rome, GA.

Below is one that sold for $891.


Spotts German Furniture Collection

Submitted by: Harry
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These three pieces of matching German furniture we think were made pre-holocaust in Germany that was brought over here through the underground when our grandfather escaped a concentration camp. We have documentation of him coming here but are still trying to piece the puzzle together on the when the furniture was made and who was the manufacturer. They are solid mahogany and all pieces have original hand cravings on them. No work on them have been done whatsoever. We have not been able to find anything on the internet that is even close to these pieces.

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Submitted by: john
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How much are predepression federal plates worth?

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Linda Hopkins

Submitted by: Linda
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I have a 21 piece set of dinner ware. The back has a black crown and says Colclough bone China, made in England and each piece has a number like c1773. It was my grandmother's who passed in 1860 and she lived in London

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pub mirrors

Submitted by: Todd
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I have 2 pub mirrors. One is a 1977 production pub mirror containing the inventor of the coca cola syrup and the founder of coca cola. In the center is a white coca cola porcelain looking dispenser. the second is another pub mirror, that has a metal frame with a large wordy advertisement. I have tried to find the value of these on line

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Beautiful mahogany bowfront dresser

Submitted by: Veronica
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I was given this dresser by my 90 year old client. It has 6 dovetail drawers, a bow front and only has a few very light scratches.All drawers pull out nicely. I have not been able to locate a date anywhere on the dresser.

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1958 Snoopy kids fishing pole

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Does work

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1934 Fire Cheif Fluidless Flameless Mystery Lighter

Submitted by: Vanessa
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Coca cola marx truck

Submitted by: Charles
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Pope Gosser China

Submitted by: heyj_
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Hi, I have 70 pieces of Pope Gosser China for appraisal.

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electrical group chicago 1934 silver plated spoon

Submitted by: Julia
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I have a silver plated souvenir spoon that has Electrical group Chicago 1934 in the spoon and the handle says a century of progress, Fort Dearborn 1833.

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A rare one indeed

Submitted by: Eric J
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Hello, just wanted your best guess, a ballpark value of my clock: Telechron/Revere 7-tube gfc I think it is the Hanover model. Recently serviced and cleaned, chimes polished, is running/chiming as it should. Case is about an 8.5 out of ten, original finish, glass good, new rayon covered cord w/original plug. I have found very little information about it but found this site and so glad I did! I will be spending some more time here no doubt! I am in no rush but nevertheless eager to learn more about the clock, its value and/or any other websites or resources. Warmest thanks, Eric

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Lady holding a basket made in Japan

Submitted by: Anthony
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Lady holding a basket in her left hand and red flower in her right . With a stamp with Japan on the bottom

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Lady holding a basket made in Japan

Submitted by: Anthony
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Lady holding a basket in her left hand and red flower in her right . With a stamp with Japan on the bottom

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Lady holding a basket made in Japan

Submitted by: Anthony
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Lady holding a basket in her left hand and red flower in her right .

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WW II ration stamps

Submitted by: Bridget
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WW II ration book and paperwork with 11 stamps from 1937 in really good shape.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Bridget

Thousands of these have sold at auction. On average they bring about $12


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