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Submitted by: Dottie
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This was given to me by one of my older sisters, when I was about 14 or in 1968. It is a C chromonica and it has made in Germany, not West Germany or East Germany only Germany.And it is a M Hohner Harmonica

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Rosewood Console Table with Marble Inlay ?

Submitted by: Heather
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This beautiful table recently came into my possession, and I am just looking to find out some background information on it. It would be nice if I knew what exactly it is, how to clean it (I don't want to ruin it, so in the pics it is just the way it came to me), and a few facts about it for conversational purposes. I'd love to know it's value so I can make sure my homeowner's insurance reflects it's value --- I know I can pay an appraiser to come out, but I'm not sure how expensive that is, and if this is a reproduction or low value piece I don't want to spend $ on a formal appraisal if I will lose money. Does anyone have any information or experience with this type of furniture style or table? The person from whom I 'inherited' it had this in her possession for about 40 years... about the 1970's. Not sure if it's a nice reproduction of an antique style, or if it's truly an antique. THANK YOU for ANY info you can provide!

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Rosewood Console Table with Marble Inlay

Submitted by: Heather
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This beautiful table recently came into my possession, and I am just looking to find out some background information on it. It would be nice if I knew what exactly it is, how to clean it (I don't want to ruin it, so in the pics it is just the way it came to me), and a few facts about it for conversational purposes. I'd love to know it's value so I can make sure my homeowner's insurance reflects it's value --- I know I can pay an appraiser to come out, but I'm not sure how expensive that is, and if this is a reproduction or low value piece I don't want to spend $ on a formal appraisal if I will lose money. Does anyone have any information or experience with this type of furniture style or table? The person from whom I 'inherited' it had this in her possession for about 40 years... about the 1970's. Not sure if it's a nice reproduction of an antique style, or if it's truly an antique. THANK YOU for ANY info you can provide!

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Victorian Era Parlor Chair or reproduction?

Submitted by: Heather
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I fell in love with this chair when I saw it for sale. I only paid $50. I love the detailed wood work and the tapestry upholstery. The chair looks to me (the amateur/laymen) to be an antique, but now I'm having second thoughts. Any input would be appreciated. The chair is 46 inches tall, x 25 inches wide, x 23 inches deep; 9 inches from the floor to the woodwork beneath the seat cushion and 15 inches from the floor to the cushion. Thank you!

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I've never seen a drum table quite like this one....

Submitted by: Heather
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I used to have a large leather top drum table and sadly sold it years ago. Recently I saw this for sale and I couldn't resist. I've never seen one like this --- with a scalloped shape and with drawers that pull out on all sides, and it revolves. Is this reproduction from 2oth century or just some style I've never seen? I'm only familiar with some Duncan Phyfe and Rococco.. I love it and I'd like to find another one, but I simply don't know what it is... what it's worth and where to get one, as well as what's a good price. Thank you!

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Green glass president Harrison campaign flask

Submitted by: Michelle
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Not sure if they made reproductions of this flask. I have attempted to research but not successful. President harrison's bust on one side with year 1841 under bust, log cabin on other side. On bottom is imprint of a shield. In good condition no chips or cracks. It is dark green glass and glass has a bumpy texture. Anything you can tell me will help!

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Decorative Clay pottery

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I was told this was from Ecuador, but most of the items I have found don't match the look of these. I have a smaller jug also. I tried Skinner Auctions in Marlboro, MA and they told me if I knew it was dated before 1971 they could appraise it for me. After that the restrictions have changed. I'm hoping to at least get an idea of age. This piece stands about 12-1/2" tall and about 9" wide. I can't find any markings of origin.

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Rosewood Console Table with Marble Inlay ?

Submitted by: Heather
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This beautiful table recently came into my possession, and I am just looking to find out some background information on it. It would be nice if I knew what exactly it is, how to clean it (I don't want to ruin it, so in the pics it is just the way it came to me), and a few facts about it for conversational purposes. I'd love to know it's value so I can make sure my homeowner's insurance reflects it's value --- I know I can pay an appraiser to come out, but I'm not sure how expensive that is, and if this is a reproduction or low value piece I don't want to spend $ on a formal appraisal if I will lose money. Does anyone have any information or experience with this type of furniture style or table? The person from whom I 'inherited' it had this in her possession for about 40 years... about the 1970's. Not sure if it's a nice reproduction of an antique style, or if it's truly an antique. THANK YOU for ANY info you can provide!

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

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Houses of parliament and big Ben pig bank

Submitted by: Loveda
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This pig bank is in excellent condition handed down from my grandmother said its worth money but have no idea about has been told it is from England it has crackled glass. I have lots of stuff that should be worth some money.

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Loveda,

Your Houses of parliament and big Ben pig bank is estimated between $15 to $20 at auction today.

One sold in 2012 for $14.23. I believe it is Circa 1950's 60's and was sold as a tourist souvenir.

Hope this help


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Submitted by: Christine
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Widdicomb - Modern Originals - dining set

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This set was handed down to us from some friends who had in in their family since purchased new. 3rd generation i believe. It has been lived with, so it's definitely not pristine. But in no way beyond rescue. We dont know too much about the set but it seems to be the most complete set we have found anywhere. Pieces include the table with leaves. 8 chairs (2 with arms). China hutch? Its about 3' wide 5'high.with 3 drawers on bottom and open 3 shelf area and sliding glass doors. 2 side pieces same height as lower section of previous piece. Each with one door opening to 2 shelf cabinet. Also complete mat cover set for table and leaves. Dark stain...walnut? Bold, simple, stout brass hardware. About all I can think to add. We are in transition and most of the set is in storage. I will add pictures as I can access the units. Putting all I have up for now. Just looking for any information we can get about this set. Were they common? Is the builder considered high end or commonplace. Were there any other parts to this set or is this pretty complete? Of course, any idea of the value? Anything else that you'd consider important. Id be glad to answer any questions and welcome all input. Thanks. Please excuse the clutter and terrible photos. The fancier pics are examples i found online of what we have, not our actual pieces lime the others.

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Vanity and armoire and headboard

Submitted by: Ashley
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I believe these pieces are from the late 1800's possibly early 1900's everything is in excellent working order only a few minor nicks as you can see on the 2 big pieces. Unfortunately I only have the headboard that matches these pieces and the bottom portion where the rails used to be have it in rough condition but the top is still very nice. Also have the original stool to the vanity.

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Moonstone Necklace

Submitted by: Karen
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I inherited this necklace from my late Aunt. The necklace originally belonged to her grandmother. She said she tried to have it appraised but was told they could not appraise it because they had nothing to compair it to. The stones are very clear and reflect a bright blue colour. The chain is gold and on the clasp is stamped "AJC 10K CO." I sent pictures to the Antique Jewelry London, to see if they could tell me about it, (not knowing if it was the right company) They did write back and said: "If it is stamped 10K then that is an Americanlow carat gold hallmark as we always stamped our pieces in the UK "ct" and not "K" meaning the carat of the gold. These necklaces were made in the 1900s when festoon designs were popular, both in the UK and America and set with imported stones from India." They did not give me any estimate of value. I would appreciate any help you can give me.

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Chinese or Tibetan Fire starting kit.

Submitted by: Karen
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I have been told this is a Fire Starting Kit from the area of China,Tibet or possibly old Mongolia. I have no idea when it was created. Inside there are two stones or hard pieces of "something" and what looks like knotted string of some kind. Though very old it has been well taken care of, the leather is stiff but not cracked or torn. The hand made clasp works well. The bottom "striking plate"(?) is magnetic. The metal plate where the writing is, is not magnetic, possibly silver. I only know that my favorite Aunt (now deceased) was given this by her favorite Aunt who was a "world traveler" who loved to travel to the "orient" and purchased many things from Monks in a monastery, among other places. However I have no further information. Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated.

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17 Piece Lead Military Toy Set

Submitted by: Karen
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Does anyone know about these Lead figures. I have tried looking on the internet but can't find anything like them. There are 17 figures, I don't know if it is a full set or if pieces are missing. I don't see any markings on the bottoms. Hopefully someone will know something about them, the company who made them and their value. Any help will be appreciated.

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Submitted by: bdbla
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Just looking for old glassware, such as Pyrex and Fiesta.

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Capodimonte Three-Sided Bowl w Removable Lid

Submitted by:
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I have a three-sided Capodimonte bowl with removable lid. The scene appears to be a couple (and sometimes child) sitting on a well in a garden. I haven't been able to locate any other pieces with this type of marking. The mark is a Crown with a "cursive" "N" below. Below the "N" is "Capodimonte". Below this is "Made Italy". Below this is "1632/75". I appreciate any information anyone might have.

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Capodimonte Bowl w Removable Lid

Submitted by: Joy
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I have a Capodimonte "bowl" with removable lid. It might be classified as a soup tureen...not sure. It has a face on the lid with dark hair and a ribbon under the chin. The scene appears to be cherubs in a garden...possibly depicting Adam and Eve??? The mark is a crown with a shield (with three stars). Around the shield is are two branches. The letter "G" is above the branch on the left, and the letter "B" is over the branch on the right. Below the shield and branches is the wording "R. Capodimonte". Below this is written "1535/446" I appreciate any information! Thanks so much!

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Women's Club Seasonal Newsletter Collection

Submitted by: Cassandra
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I had an extra box throw in with my purchase at an auction that I absolutely excited about but have no idea on the history or value. Four booklets, that almost look like a brochure style but longer, which is a year of the newsletter, dating from the late 1960s throgh the mid 70s. "The Iowa Clubwoman" with other material that makes location more specific...THe Olin Sorosis Club. Hmmm?

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Bubble Glass Jar

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without the lid, this is 5 1/2" tall x 4 1/4" wide. I cant seem to find anything like it. I believe the lid is zinc. thanks so much, Audrey

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Furio Pitcher Pine Needles

Submitted by: Audrey
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Hi, I found lots of Furio but not this particular pitcher or design. thanks, Audrey it is apx 8" tall

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Mica Leaf Man Christmas Tree

Submitted by: Audrey
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He intriques me and I think may be from Germany but no idea for sure. thanks, Audrey

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Pyrographics Moose Hide

Submitted by: Donna
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A pyrographic Moose Hide with a design called Reclaimation. The artist is Max W Kollm. The date of the hide is 1906. It was created during the Alaska Gold Rush. The dimensions are 7 feet 8 inches in width and 5 feet 8 inches in length. My grandfather was from Fairbanks and this has been past down from generation to generation. It is in great condition.

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Clear 1930s to 1940s glass jar marked G over C 3 or 8 941 with metal ash tray lid

Submitted by: William
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See the pics for the mark. The mark looks to me to be early Glass Container inc. mark from 1930s or 40s. I am not sure if the ash tray lid was added later or if it was made like this.

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Submitted by: matthew
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Ceramic Colonial Man and Women

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Occupied Japan. Ceramic Colonial couple. Good condition. No cracks or chips. Approx. 5 inches high.

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Queen Elizabeth II coronation souvenir box

Submitted by: Pennie
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Souvenir from Queen Elizabeth II coronation. Made of some type of plastic.

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Queen Elizabeth II coronation souvenir box

Submitted by: Pennie
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Souvenir from Queen Elizabeth II coronation. Made of some type of plastic.

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Tin types

Submitted by: Pennie
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A collection of five tin types owned by my great-grandmother

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Submitted by: juraj
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Submitted by: Daniel
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Buffet with original mirror c.1930 (I guess). Also have the key to lock the drawers.

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side table duncan phyfe

Submitted by: Daniel
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Very good condition. H-28", W-22" (38.25"open) D-19.34". Inscription underneath '102 x'

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Submitted by: Ispoh
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Cushman Colonial Creations Corner Cabinet

Submitted by: David
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I have a Cushman Colonial Creations Corner Cabinet, #7045. It is in good conditon with no major flaws or problems. The glass inserts are intact, and the drawer and all hardware are original and work well.

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Submitted by: juraj
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"Putti" Etching

Submitted by: Sonia
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"Putti" François Boucher Le DéJeuner Original Etching on Copper Beautiful Louis Gold Guilt Frame This etching was published in "Tables of the Encyclopedia 1762-1777" of Denis Diderot.

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Azzolin Brothers Deco Vase

Submitted by: Alesia
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Azzolin Brothers decorative vase. Lot number 001233. In good condition except for a crack at the bottom of the vase which has been repaired. Pictures included.

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Card Table

Submitted by: Sonya
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Antique folding card table w/Louis Coty painting on tabletop. 25 X 25 inches and 27.25 inches tall. Fairly good condition. Some wear. Inherited from in-laws and wondering what it is worth.

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antique cast iron stove

Submitted by: paul2
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Woods-evertz thrift cannon #71 cast iron stove. Good shape what is approximate value? Thank you

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Antique crystal bowl with gold scalloped edges

Submitted by: Nanette
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Antique crystal bowl with gold scalloped edges

Submitted by: Nanette
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Japaness Samuri Helmet

Submitted by: ken
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Collective Japaness samurai steel Helmet, gold color metalic coated, Top of horn is 1’2” high, width is 1’-2” wide, Famous worrier’s helmet with wooden name tag.

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Submitted by: Mary
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South Cone Trading Company

Submitted by: Cecilia
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I am new to antique sales and am having trouble finding information on a few pieces but at moment only have picture of the South Cone Trading Company Buffet table Please help.

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Hoosick river,summer

Submitted by: debra
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Going by the sticker on the back it says Anna Mary Robertson (Grandma ) Moses. American 1860-1961 .oil on pressed wood ,18"x 24" 1952,Private collection, courtesy Galerie St. Etienne, its under glass and framed brown paper on back it is signed MOSES.

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Antiquet Herron Art Deco Cocktail Bar Liquor Cabinet

Submitted by: Bruce
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I don't know anything about it, beside what I was told it was, as stated in the title above. Suppose to be made around 1930 or 40. It has some damage on the right side. Everything that goes with the cabinet is still their & everything works ok. It would make a nice piece for someone. I can't use it. I have no ideal what it is worth. If anyone is interest in it & have any ideal about it's worth, let me know. Thanks Bruce Deese

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Music box

Submitted by: Charles
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