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Signed, looks like a real oil to me but I am no expert on antiques or Tiele. Back looks like the canvas was changed and moved into this newer looking frame. Measures: 24 x 20 Thank you so much for your time and expertise. My apologies to previous appraiser...I am still unsure how to use this site and may have deleted my listing, so relisting. But I did read it and thank you for your time. I will check for the title on this, may be behind the frame though unsure. Thanks!

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Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Rosana,

I re-posted the last appraisal. Just let me know if you can locate a title.

Your P.G. TIELE Oil Painting is estimated between $75 to $125. Depending on the frame work you could get more. Framing is expensive most art is usually museum mount. In 2015 his Paris After the Rain sold for $179. I don't know if yours is titled. P.G. Tiele is an Italian artist known for street scenes of Paris and Cities of Italy.


Estimated Value submitted by Becky

Hi Rosana,

I re-posted the last appraisal. Just let me know if you can locate a title.

Your P.G. TIELE Oil Painting is estimated between $75 to $125. Depending on the frame work you could get more. Framing is expensive most art is usually museum mount. In 2015 his Paris After the Rain sold for $179. I don't know if yours is titled. P.G. Tiele is an Italian artist known for street scenes of Paris and Cities of Italy.


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