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This unique item was discovered while preparing for an Estate Sale for WWII Veteran. The piece belonged to his grandmother and the slip of paper with this piece stated: Triton-Epergne-Compote circa 1750-80 (Diety of the Sea) it was once housed in the Museum in Berlin, Germany in late 1800's early 1900's. The marking on the bottom are the cross swords: a triple X,large X making the two smaller x at the top. The name written on the bottom begins with 'Mis' and last name begins 'Bach'. The Compote is attached with bolt extending through the sculpture to the base. Now in my possession, the dish was acquired by client in 1954.

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Estimated Value submitted by AntiquesNavigator Staff

Wow, we get some nice antiques appraised, but this one literally belongs in a museum!

Your porcelain triton is easily worth $2000-4000 or more.

Thanks for sharing and that's a beautiful piece of history!

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