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Submitted by: Jacob
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I have a matching set to these i found on a web page for a London science and medical history museum. they gave very little insight to what there main purpose was, then alone to give a price. I have seen others online but the 2 sets i did see didnt have the same back clasp mine actually have a patent date if you flip up the first clasp it says "PAT.APL.22.73.NOV.10.10.NOV.15.81 and behind the second Clasp after the enema it reads PAT'D AUG.24.1880. Also I have noticed on the first one the stem piece leading to the clasp is a signature stamp i guess of a upside down horse shoe with a clover in the middle. Also on the other one is a signature stamp reading "OM" ive looked it up and then only thing i came across that i thought could be possible was "Order of merits"

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