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Submitted by: Julie
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I'm a reseller and I came upon this carving while out picking. What I can tell you is that it appears asian in the face, however, the woman is nude from the waist up which seems more tribal.

There is gold paint under the black, so some idiot painted it. The head of the wife and the paddle are gone. Generally, I would have passed it by, but the carving on the bottom is what made me get it.

I've actually never seen a piece with a carving on the bottom with the exception of a scrimshaw, however, this seems entirely too large and should it be a scrimshaw, what on earth would they use it for?

It's about 10" wide and 12" tall. I'm absolutely fascinated by it, and would appreciate any help I can get. I've done research and found absolutely nothing.

Picture to follow. Thanks.

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