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103 year old - Mug: 4 1/4 in tall - "Twenty Fourth Annual Annual State Convention of the Exempt Firemens Assn." dated "May 18th 1910 Trenton, N.J. "(Written on one side) picture of the "Volunteer Firemens Monument " written below it. The handle looks to be plated in silver as well as a silver ring at the top of the cup and a bit thinner one at the bottom, the cup itself is white, the bottom is stamped "Tho's Maddock's Son's Co. Trenton N.J" It's only allowing my to post one photo, trying to do this on my mobile phone but I so have pictures of all the significant markings and pictures on the mug, if you'd like to view them, please feel free to email me and ill send the other photos right away.

Submit your estimate of worth

Estimated Value submitted by Becky


Your \\\"Tho's Maddock's Son's Co. Trenton N.J\\\" mug is estimated between $15 and $35. I have not seen one for the \\\"Twenty Fourth Annual Annual State Convention of the Exempt Firemens Assn.\\\" but in 2011 one for Fireman association of 1911 sold for $20. Another Tho's Maddock's Son's Co. mug sold for $31 in 2007.

I hope this helps.


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