Antiques & Collectibles For Sale Forums Antique Padlocks Collectors Vintage Wedgewood Holly Stove

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Becky Jones Ohde 2 years, 4 months ago
  • kristina.tiquet

    A friend of mine owns a cabin in North Lake Tahoe CA, which was originally built in the 1940’s. It has the original gas stove & oven that is still functional and used in the kitchen as primary source of cooking. Haven’t been able to find this stove’s value or another one that looks like it. Hoping this forum can help.

    She will be remodeling and needs to determine the value of it.

    The writing is a little worn off over the years, but you can still see on it “Wedgewood Holly” in cursive font.

    Becky Jones Ohde


    I would estimate your Wedgewood Holly Stove between $300 to $400 at auction.
    Below is one that sold in 2012 but is not in very good condition. I know of another that sold in 2019 for $600 but had a griddle plate in the middle and everything worked she was actually still using it up until it was sold. That is a Rotisserie beside the oven, correct?

    Hope this helps.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Becky Jones Ohde. Reason: wrong web site pasted
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