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45 piece set of pewter figurines depicting the 1937 NAZI GERMANY PARADE OF THE ARTS. Beutifully painted and in excellent condition. Believe they are by Ernst Heinrichsen.

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Estimated Value submitted by Tim

Hi Tommy,

Nazi memorabilia is not cup of tea, but I'm sure there are collectors out there.  In fact, your 1937 Nazi Parade of Arts German pewter figurines are pretty rare and probably can fetch a good sum.  However, I would be only guessing at what that sum might be.  Your best way to find out their worth is talk to several collectors of Nazi memorabilia and see if they're interested in making an offer.  After you have a few collectors looking at them, you should be able to get a good idea of a fair asking price.

I hope this helps a little.  I wish I could provide a better estimate, but I've never seen this set for sale, so I have nothing to base the appraisal on.

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